It was four thirty in the morning when five of us left the truck in the dark with our packs and cold weather gear on, trudging through the snow the 6 miles to get to the area that holds mountain goats. Our hopes were high with thoughts that our packs would be full at the end of the day from our successful hunt.
The sun started to rise as we arrived in the basin where we took a break to start a warming fire, regroup, refuel and glass the area.
Spotting some goats walking across the saddle above us we started the trek up the side of the mountain.
Once we made it this far we glassed the area for Billy’s and Jesse headed further up the trail to see if he could spot anything. There was a herd up ahead with small Billy and upon checking the area further we found another smaller Billy bedded on a ledge across from us.
Pausing for a break before the long haul out in mid afternoon we aborted the mission for another day.