Hunting Mama

I wouldn’t describe myself as an expert by any means of the word but I enjoy the harvest and being in the outdoors.  These days our lives are so busy that it is easy to get lost in the monotony of life.  Hunting and being in the outdoors grounds us and allows us get back to nature and put balance into the world we live in.  I work full time, am a new mother and a wife, life seems as crazy as ever.  It is now more than ever, I find myself day dreaming of quite times in the wild away from the computer, the phones and the woes of my everyday life.
I started hunting 6 years ago when my now husband took me to Eastern Montana and its been a love affair ever since.  In fact I got engaged on this particular trip while we glassed for my first mule deer buck. Ever since that wonderful day I’ve shared the passion for hunting and being in the outdoors with my husband, friends and family.  I never imagined I would like hunting as much as I do, I was raised in the suburbs of Salt Lake City and although we spent many a day in the outdoors fishing and camping I never thought I would find myself years later schlepping around a bow and arrow, a rifle or a shot gun.  Now however, it’s one of my favorite activities and I look forward to every season.
My son was born last August so I missed out on hunting season 2010 as I recovered from child birth and learned how to be a first time mom.  What an adventure it has been though and now that my son is 6 months old I am itching to get out and share this wonderful tradition with him. With today’s electronic society so prolific, I  want my child to grow up knowing what it is like to stalk game, shoot a bow and arrow, and live off the land. Right now I am trying to get back in shape for hunting spring bears and turkey.  I am planning on strapping on my boots and kid carrier and getting out there.

I hope there are other mothers out there who share the love of hunting and being outdoors.  I plan on updating articles on the Hunting Gal site as I learn to transition from just a hunting gal into a hunting mama!  See you out there.

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